Release Notes:

Power Surfacing 9.0 beta update - June 18, 2024

  1. Update of Power Surfacing 9.0 to fix issues with Power Shell (like the spikes).

Power Surfacing 9.0 beta update - February 29, 2024

  1. Update of Power Surfacing 9.0 to fix issue when loading Power Surfacing dynamically (clicking the check box in Tools->Addins).

Power Surfacing 9.0 beta update - February 19, 2024

  1. Important update of Power Surfacing 9.0 to fix issue where some deleted features come back to replace the correct feature.
  2. Added default value for creating Power Body instead of Power Feature.

Power Surfacing 9.0 beta update - February 6, 2024

  1. Important update of Power Surfacing 9.0 to fix Power Features that become uneditable.
  2. Fixed Power Shell cases that fail.

Power Surfacing 9.0 beta - December 26, 2023

  1. Initial beta release of Power Surfacing for SolidWorks 2024.

Power Surfacing 8.0 patch update - September 25, 2023

  1. Fixed very important issue where Power Features sometimes became uneditable

Power Surfacing 8.0 patch update - September 12, 2023

  1. Fixed issues with demo version not working correctly

Power Surfacing 8.0 patch update - May 11, 2023

  1. Fixed issues with the To Face constraint command
  2. Fixed Wrap command
  3. Fixed some issues with Mirror (with Crease)

Power Surfacing 8.0 patch update - March 20, 2023

  1. Fixed issue where some Power Features became uneditable.

Power Surfacing 8.0 patch update - February 23, 2023

  1. Fixed issue importing sketches

Power Surfacing 8.0 patch update - February 17, 2023

  1. Fixed issue where the left hand side menu panel for Power Surfacing was getting lost

Power Surfacing 8.0 release - February 12, 2023

  1. Release with support for SW 2023

Power Surfacing 7.0 patch update - August 16, 2022

  1. Fixed reported issues with Power Shell / Power Thicken

Power Surfacing 7.0 patch update - May 17, 2022

  1. Added constrain by sketch functionality    
    Improved vanishing edges
  2. Improvements to Power Shell / Power Thicken

Power Surfacing 7.0 release - November 29, 2021

  1. Improve Power Shell / Power Thicken updating (so it doesn't update all the time)   
    Added Circular Allignment
  2. Improve transition from crease to non-crease 

Power Surfacing 6.1 patch update - October 26, 2021

  1. Fixed Unify Mirror issues   
    Fixed Shell / Thicken issues
  2. Fixed some model edit issues 

Power Surfacing 6.1 patch update - September 23, 2021

  1. Fixed Model corruption issues (when switching between parts, it would lose access to the correct PS part - the result is that the PS geometry was getting lost)   
    Fixed Shell issues (some cases where it wasn't doing the Boolean or making solids)

Power Surfacing 6.1 patch update - May 26, 2021

  1. Fixed Mirror issues (continuity, Mirrors where geometry is not on Mirror plane)
    Fixed Shell issues (bumps & some cases where it wasn't making solids)

Power Surfacing 6.1 patch update - April 25, 2021

  1. Fixed Mirror issues
    Fixed Edge creasing issues and enhanced the Crease functionality
  2. Fix to prevent losing editing of Power Features

Power Surfacing 6.1 patch update - February 11, 2021

  1. Fixed OBJ import of some scanned meshes (binary)
    Fixed insert Edges command when working on an open surface
  2. Fixes for Power Shell
  3. Fixed conversion of Power Bodies with Mirror
  4. Fixes for model updates (from previous versions)
  5. Fixed graphics abnormalities
  6. Fixed Gizmo issue in certain orientations (missing some controls)
  7. Fixed updating issues

Power Surfacing 6.1 - September 10, 2020

  1. See new features video

    1) Precise conversion
    2) Measurement (and accurate dimensioning)
    3) 4 Sided Mirror - Selection on either side
    4) New mirror algorithm - fixed creasing issues
    5) Precise Conversion for standard sub-d meshes - faster, lighter, and more accurate
    relative to Limit Surface of Sub-D.
    6) Phong Shading with lots of lights
    7) HDRI based lighting model
    8) New Quad Wrap (also automatically finds and closes most open edges)
    9) Shrink Wrap checks for Self Intersections
  2. 10) Mesh Smooth (new global command)
  3. 11) Mesh Offset (new command)
  4. 12) Enhanced Quad Fill
  5. 13) Lighter weight converted models
  6. 14) Faster conversions
  7. 15) New Power Shell command
  8. 16) New Power Thicken command
    17) Import point clouds (OBJ)
  9. 18) Menu reset / fix command (for fixing the toolbars automatically)
  10. 19) New Spin Quad command

Power Surfacing 5.1.14 - October 16, 2019

  1. Fixed STL, OBJ import of some scanned meshes
    Fixed an issue where Quad Wrap did nothing (caused by directory paths with odd / language specific characters)

Power Surfacing 5.1.10 - July 15, 2019

  1. Fixed Isolate Self Intersections problem

Power Surfacing 5.1.9 - July 12, 2019

  1. Fixed some very important crashing graphics bugs
  2. Merging of 2 vertices fixed
  3. Display of UI running on monitors with high resolution (4K) issues fixed
  4. Fixed Quad Fill slow down
  5. Other bug fixes

Power Surfacing 5.1.4 - June 20, 2019

  1. Fixed some issues importing OBJ / STL files
  2. Fixed issue where UI tabs would get lost and have to be restored
  3. Fixed the issue with the error message "cannot edit multiple power surface objects at one time"
  4. Fixed Bridge command (was creating some zero length edges sometimes)
  5. Other bug fixes

Power Surfacing 5.1 - December 26, 2018

  1. Improved update when reference surfaces change
  2. Lighter weight surfaces and faster conversions
  3. Assemblies with constraints - fixed issues
  4. Option dialog - added option to not auto update Power Feature
  5. Save selection rotation center point for more convenient UI interaction
  6. Speed up of reference selection & fixed the issue with not highlighting in yellow on some selections
  7. Added ability to constrain hole (on inside) of thin shell
  8. Updated / improved Shrink Wrap tool
  9. Fixed issues with lost access to parts / features

Power Surfacing 5.03 - August 1, 2018

  1. Fixed negative direction ("-" key) for create solid from sketch / extrusion
  2. Wrap command - added new option ot create solid box (see Topology Optimization video tutorial)
  3. Fixed hang on regeneration during file open
  4. Fixed issue with red "X" check mark losing the mesh on Exit
  5. Fixed jumping vertex during constraint editing
  6. Fixed Boundary coloring display

Power Surfacing 5.01 - July 24, 2018

  1. Fixed conversion issue (crease edge with valence 5+ vertex not converting to a closed solid)
  2. Fixed issue - Some legacy files don't upgrade
  3. Updated license dialog for clarity
  4. Added "Update Shrink Wrap" tool (significant work flow improvement)

Power Surfacing 5.0 - May 4, 2018 (beta 5 - June 12, 2018)

  1. Advanced automated Quad Wrap tool that follows object curvature / geometry
  2. Tools to support automatic Quad Wrap
  3. Constrain to 2D & 3D sketches
  4. Improved Assembly support
  5. Fixed model update issue
  6. Fixed SolidWorks resource issue (when it pops up the message saying resources are low)
  7. Fixed installer issue with SW 2017 & SW 2018 on same machine
  8. Improved Network Licensing and license transfer
  9. beta 3 (May 22, 2018) - Mirror now converts tangent
  10. beta 3 - Fixed disappearing vertices problem
  11. beta 3 - Fixed graphics issues with disappearing faces and parts on file open
  12. beta 5 - Fixed issues converting models with constraints
  13. beta 5 - Mirror tangency fix
  14. beta 5 - Fixed crash with saving models with Shrink Wrap
  15. beta 5 - Shrink Wrap Level of Detail + SubDivision options now fixed
  16. beta 5 - Fast Import of references when many are present
  17. beta 5 - File locking issue fixed
  18. beta 5 - Network license fix (with new network licensing)

Power Surfacing 4.2.6 - January 8, 2018

  1. Bug fix for converting some models to SW geometry
  2. Fixed error constraining to weldments

Power Surfacing 4.2.4 - December 28, 2017

  1. Bug fix for converting some version 2.4 models to 4.2
  2. Fixed errors in mesh editing
  3. Bug fix with gizmo

Power Surfacing 4.2 - September 28, 2017

  1. Support for SolidWorks 2018
  2. New tools in menu for aligning and placing reference meshes (align to X, Y, Z and -X, -Y, -Z; Move to origin)
  3. Align to SolidWorks plane and Move to a SolidWorks plane are fixed for reference mesh
  4. Flip Faces is now Flip All Faces and Flip Selected Faces for improved control
  5. Draw Edges and Insert Edges now orbit around the last selected
  6. Shrink Wrap now works better with hard edges (100% creased edges). They won't move when doing Shrink Wrap
  7. Shrink Wrap and constraints now work well together
  8. Fixed bug in scaling / rotating points in SubD display mode
  9. Add To Mesh (adding to reference mesh) now produces correctly oriented meshes

Power Surfacing 4.1.8 - August 17, 2017

  1. Fixed conversions of models with constraints (not going to correct positions)
  2. Fixed boundaries on planar faces
  3. Added support for space bar UI to allow for user to rotate view in the middle of selection (without losing selection)
  4. Fixed issues with offset constraints when using thicken (on the offset surface)

Power Surfacing 4.1.7 - July 27, 2017

  1. Create from sketch fix
  2. Fixed issue returning to edit mode
  3. Added ability to use a plane for mirroring (if no object is selected)
  4. Deleting unwanted SubDs didn't always cleanup perfectly before (now fixed)

Power Surfacing 4.1.6 - July 21, 2017

  1. Fixed file corruption with some assembly models
  2. Force planar faces to be planar
  3. Display dimension values
  4. Fix undo / backspace key (Ctrl Z)
  5. Conversion of symmetry always will create symmetric results now
  6. Fixed problem with conversion of symmetry with constraints

Power Surfacing 4.1.3 - June 27, 2017

  1. Fixed a problem with migrating old (2.4, 3.0) models into 4.1 if those models have mirror planes
  2. Improved general migration of old models

Power Surfacing 4.1.2 - June 19, 2017

  1. Fixed a problem with Save All with multiple parts open simultaneously
  2. Insert Edges / Create Faces - backspace undo improvements

Power Surfacing 4.1 - May 19, 2017

  1. Assemblies: full support for creation / editing in assembly mode
  2. Macro feature: automatic updating / multi-body Power Bodies
  3. Conversion options: automatic trim & sew / large mesh support
  4. Surface creation workflow: new paradigm for creating SubDs
  5. Shrink wrap options
  6. Quad wrap
  7. Smart fill
  8. Edit Reference mesh new tools
  9. Significant improvement in shrink wrap performance
  10. Accelerated face painting
  11. Fixed crashing bug on AMD Firepro graphics cards

Power Surfacing 2.4 - December 10, 2015

  1. Critical patch for fixing software expirations. This applies to all users.

Power Surfacing 2.3 - November 18, 2015

  1. Extend student and reseller licenses so that they do not expire.
  2. Otherwise, this should behave exactly like 2.2 as no other changes were made.

Power Surfacing 2.2 - June 5, 2015

  1. Added ability to edit a reference mesh with tools to create selections and apply transforms.
  2. Further development and refinement of importing CAD data for constraints/references.
  3. General stability.

Power Surfacing 2.1 - April 21, 2015

  1. Added more functionality when constraining to a reference mesh with the Interpolation tool.
  2. Improved surface imports when applying constraints.

Power Surfacing 2.0 - January 12, 2015

  1. Added the ability to constrain to Solidworks geometry.

Power Surfacing 1.10 - Feb 5, 2013

  1. General stability improvements in many different commands.
  2. Simplified and reorganized the user interface.
  3. Fixed known crashes and dead ends in workflow.
  4. Improved conext sensitive tool availability.